How to Manage Uncertainty

The degree of your influence is directly affected by how uncertain you are and how you express that uncertainty. When you doubt your facts, second guess your observations of the influencee, or are fraught with indecision, your influence potential goes down considerable.

Anger Management: 10 Tips for Keeping Cool

It’s how you choose to control your anger that makes the difference between a positive and negative outcome. Are you controlling yours?

Stop Putting Yourself In an Ethical Bind

Are you guilty of bending the rules just a little? Watch out for these long term pitfalls!

Top 10 Ways to Know if You’re Becoming Arrogant at Work

When you’re at the top of your game, it can be really hard to keep your feet on the ground and remain level-headed.Here are 10 fun ways to know when you've become too arrogant at work..

In the Business Wilds: How to Improvise and Adapt Your Behavior

 You’re hard wired to do what’s best for you in most situations; all you need to do is learn to follow your gut instincts. Animals do it day in and day out and it works fairly well for them. They do what comes naturally and typically they do more than stay alive; they thrive!

Uncover What’s Driving Your Passion

Passion is perhaps the most motivational trait of the Seven Influence Traits™. Is passion necessary for life and living? No, but it is necessary for a better life and better living. In short, living a life that makes you feel deeply, passionately alive.

Structuring Your Interactions with Spunk

Your initial interactions tell people lots about you. They are instrumental in deciding how you will be received and how much attention they give you. How energetic are you when meeting new people?

Can Influence Be Measured?

Knowing your influence potential is a great asset because it gives you a heads-up or benchmark of what you’re doing right (your strengths) and what isn’t working out (your challenges). It gives you instant access to self-knowledge which is the start of being a powerful, effective, and influential person.

Top 3 Stressors Of The Wise Woman

If there are no peaks of stress in your life then it may be a sign that you aren’t achieving all that you are capable of because you’ve become too entrenched in your comfort zone.  You aren’t out their grabbing opportunities that come your way. Putting yourself out there, taking a risk, pushing the limits is stressful, but it’s a good positive stress. There are 3 main stressors that a wise woman welcomes into her life.  They make her take notice, learn and experience because she understands their value to her.


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