Empathy: How to Better Identify With Others

Most people guess incorrectly about the best way to reach out in empathy to others. Yet identifying with others is one of the chief means we gain likeability, one of the Seven Influence Traits®. Of course we don’t empathize with others merely to increase a score; however, having people understand we are emotionally in their corner does help us lead them.

What Is Empathy?

The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner - Merriam Webster

Which Road to Empathy?

Research suggests that a process of systematic reasoning outperforms gut instinct for understanding what other people are thinking and feeling. This counters our own self-perception that gut instinct would be the best means to empathize.

How to Coach Likeability in the 21st Century Leader

Part Seven in our series on the Seven Commitment Traits and coaching leaders.

In our initial articles, we have looked at how to coach several of the Seven Influence Traits. Today, we move to the last of the Seven Influence Traits™ - Likeability.

Likeability is the degree to which others view one’s personhood and presence in a positive light.

In other words, it is how people respond to the statement, "Joe will be at our gathering." If people think, "Great," you are likeable. If they think, "Oh no," or they are indifferent, you aren’t.

Your client’s likeability depends on the ability to create positive attitudes in other people through the delivery of emotional and physical benefits. If they are highly likeable, it typically means they bring people joy, put them at ease, and reap the benefits of friendship.

Servant Leadership and The Seven Influence Traits: Part Three

Through examining how servant leadership is tied to each of the Keller Seven Influence Traits® and strengthening each of these traits, a crucial step will be taken in creating a healthy culture of servant leaders.

Create a Better Relationship to Your Work Environment

Many people spend more time at work than they do at home, with their family or with their friends. While it seems like an utter travesty, the facts remain unchanged, so it’s important that you have a good relationship with your work environment, whether that’s the people you work with or the space in which you work. Here are a few ideas that will help.

Building Trust in the Workplace

If you don’t have trust in any relationship, there’s nowhere you can go that won’t wind up being tainted by distrust and underhanded dealings. So what are my six tips for making sure you have trust in the workplace? Here you go! 

Stop Putting Yourself In an Ethical Bind

Are you guilty of bending the rules just a little? Watch out for these long term pitfalls!

Top 10 Ways to Know if You’re Becoming Arrogant at Work

When you’re at the top of your game, it can be really hard to keep your feet on the ground and remain level-headed.Here are 10 fun ways to know when you've become too arrogant at work..

Structuring Your Interactions with Spunk

Your initial interactions tell people lots about you. They are instrumental in deciding how you will be received and how much attention they give you. How energetic are you when meeting new people?

How to Make People Listen

When you’re trying to get your point across, but no one is listening, it can be the most frustrating experience in the world. Here are my top ten tips for making people listen to you without actually having to yell.


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