It's easy persuade another person to do something once with some slick graphics and the right words, but when you’re working on changing minds and changing hearts, it takes something more...
Influence, Persuasion, Reputation
So when is manipulation(influence) the ticket? The answer to that, is just about all the time. If you want to find success in your career, you have got to be using all of the influence you have in order to impress and stand out among your peers. Do you know how to use yours?
Influence, Persuasion, Work Relationships, Business Success, Career Advancement, Personal Development, Professional Development
You know the saying, “Use it or lose it!” Well, today I’m talking about your influence. You’ve got to constantly be exercising your influence in all walks of life or it will atrophy, just like any other muscle.
Influence, Get What You Want, Invest in Yourself, Personal Development, Professional Development, Facing Challenges, Setting Goals