Goal Setting 101: The Top 5 Foundations of Increasing Goal Commitment and Achievement!

“I can’t make a commitment right now!” Everyone has either heard or said these words. Being afraid of commitment has its roots in the fear of the unknown. If you knew the outcome of every decision you made it would be easy. Then you could commit yourself with ease, right? Not really.

But setting goals and outlining your objectives is the first step to reaching goal achievement. But what does it take to make a commitment to a decision, an idea, a friend, a goal or a purpose? There are 5 foundational aspects to making a commitment.

5 Steps to Quality Compensation

It can be difficult for many of us to ask for a raise or to negotiate a fair wage for the work that we do. Here are 5 ways you can make sure that you are receiving a competitive salary.

How to Quit When You’re Not a Quitter

There are a number of things we all need to quit: smoking, overeating, fibbing, ignoring reality, gossiping, and over-working just to name a few. I’m sure you can come up with a few more on your own. But, it’s that drive to succeed, to not stop, to not quit that keeps you in the throes of bad habits - habits that hurt your chances of finding contentment, success, and satisfaction.

How to Deal With Rejection

Rejection makes us afraid. Afraid to invite someone out. Afraid to ask for the promotion. Afraid to start a difficult conversation. Afraid to start our business. We assume that our interest, ideas or intentions will be dismissed. What’s not set in stone is how you react to rejection. Your reaction to a negative response is the single most important thing you control. This is where your power lies. Finding ways to positively react to and handle daunting rejection is where you have influence over your life, situation and future. 

Top 5 Things You MUST Teach Yourself

The smart woman knows that she can learn and be taught. But there are certain things only you can teach yourself. These are at the top of the list of 5 things you MUST teach yourself.
  1. Learn how you learn best. Visual? Auditory? Accelerated? Do you require one-on-one contact or instruction? How does your mind work – in pictures or words? Knowing this will save you time and money later on as well as help you retain better what you’ve learned.

How To Use Your Coaching Program

People start a coaching program expecting miracles. They believe the work will be done for them. The reality is the work is done by them. And this is learning and retention of knowledge at its best. Here are a few pointers on how to get the most from your coaching program.
  1. List what you really want in life. Coaching works best when you have goals. But not any old goals. Goals that are based on your needs and values.

New Year’s 'Must-Haves'

Every woman has her ‘must-haves.’ You must-have that certain hair brush. You must-have the exact style of dress. You must-have a specific keyboard. And you must-have a certain breakfast to start your day. But what about your business must-haves? When you look back at 2010, what did you miss? What must-haves were overlooked? The successful business woman needs specific must-haves to move her business beyond parameters set. She is smart to realize what she missed and what she should ask for. Here’s a list of the 2011 ‘Must-Haves’ for the successful business woman:

My ‘Dear Santa Business List’

Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I finished my projects on time. I put together a great team. I worked hard to fulfill my dream. Even though I am no longer 6, there are still a few things I would like to find under the tree for me this year.
  • Information. I want to have what I need to know for my success and the success of everyone on my team. Please make it information that is useful and not full of junk.
  • Attention. I want to attract the attention of people who will appreciate my message. Please bring them in time for more success.

Top 5 Reasons to Believe

Everyone tells you to believe. But that can be hard to do especially when nothing seems to be going right. The roof needs fixing, your savings has dwindled, and you didn’t get that raise you were expecting. Life can be filled with challenges and it’s easy to feel despaired. But don’t hang in the towel just yet. Believing in something … anything … has great value emotionally, psychologically, and physically. Check out the top 5 reasons to believe and fill your life with positive benefits from the inside out …


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