Business Lessons from Prince William and Kate Middleton

There probably aren't many people on the planet who don't know about the upcoming nuptials of one of the most famous bachelors in the world. Getting married is a pretty big step in life for anyone, and doing it before the eyes of millions is thankfully not what the rest of us have to take on! Still, William and Kate are going to be in "business" a long time, and we can already see they are determined to color a little outside the lines and run their own show despite all the trappings of tradition around them.

Top Ten Things Your Customer Wants

Customer retention, relationship management, and how a business owner provides customer service is extremely important to the bottom line. Everyone knows it cost more money to find a new customer than to retain an existing one. So why not give it your all to satisfy your customer’s needs.

Every customer wants something. It doesn’t matter what it is, they want it yesterday. If you could know ahead of time what they wanted, that’d make life so much easier. So, instead of the typical Top 5, let’s do a Top Ten piece. Here it is – just for you!

Improving People Skills: Get Ahead In Life With Interpersonal and Communication Skills That Work!

Day in and day out, whether at work or running our own business, we have to interact with people. We may talk face-to-face, by phone or Skype, by email, or on popular virtual gathering places like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Never before have we had so many ways we can connect to people, and never has it been so critical to make your presence strong and consistent no matter the platform.

The 2011 Business Woman’s Toolkit for Success

Every successful wise woman has a toolkit full of whatever it takes to make it work. An arsenal of trade secrets … a bag of goodies. It’s like the bag Mary Poppins had – it was bottomless and filled with unlimited possibilities. In examining your toolkit, the first thing you need to do is take an inventory of what you have and what you DON’T have. While it’s important to know what you have, I believe it’s equally if not MORE important to know what is MISSING.

Communication: Turning Silence Into Success

What does your body language say about you? Your hand on your hip, shifting your weight from one leg to the other, and the tilt of your head. It’s all important. Non-verbal language is 65% of communication, with tonality being 38% and words coming in last at 7%. Nonverbal communication is anything from body mannerisms, postures, facial expressions, breathing, and physical proximity (or ‘personal space’). It can be consciously or unconsciously sent and received.

The Business Woman’s Ten-Step Guide to Goal Setting

Are you tired of setting your goals only to see them still on your list 3 months later? I am. So, I decided to dissect this entire ‘goal thing.’ Goals are important otherwise you’d be wandering around knocking on any door you found, reaching for the next shiny object or carousing for what you ‘think’ may make you happy. You can now STOP the wandering madness! I have put together this EASY 10-step process that you can use to reach any size goal. Yes, any size, large or small. You see, the small goals are simply parts of your greater goals. Everything fits together!

Top 5 Paths to Achievement Without TOO Much Sweat!

The days of ‘kissing’ your way to the top are gone. At least for smart women who know the consequences of doing it otherwise! 5 paths to achieving:
  1. Give it away. Let someone else do it. What’s it? Whatever you want it to be. Make a list of ALL the tasks – work or home- that you hate, have not time for, or could care less about. Now, assign, hire out or delete each task. Sound too hard? Then the pain hasn’t gotten bad enough.

Women Leaders - Motivate NOW!

Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success. – Explorer Ernest Shackleton in a 1890 job ad for the first Antarctic expedition How’s that for motivating? Apparently it worked since Shackleton’s ad drew hundreds of young adventure seekers! See what Shackleton appealed to? Not the fear of dying but the excitement of adventure! You can powerfully motivate your followers just like Shackleton did in 1890!


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