MBA Benefit Model
Student Benefit | Professor Benefit | Institution Benefit | ||
Influence Landscape The KII™ presents the student a clear benchmark of their aptitudes in each of the Seven Influence Traits™. They realize their specific areas of needed improvement and become more engaged with coursework. | Accelerated Classroom Learning & Efficiencies Graduate students’ capacity to learn, problem-solve and create is increased after taking the KII™. Once a student realizes their Influence Landscape, learning transfers more quickly in the classroom. |
Quality MBA Graduates The student applies their MBA learning in their profession. Fueled by the KII™ assessment, their employment results in a high ROI for the company. This becomes a direct reflection of the school’s MBA Program. |
Tailored & Personal Objective As a dynamic measurement, the KII™ emphasizes continuous improvement in influence. The student comes to own his or her learning experience as a means to improve influence strengths and weaknesses. |
Enhanced Quality of Learning With the awareness of their needed personal growth revealed by the KII™, students become committed to learning, increasing buy-in to the professors processes. |
Academic Excellence Enlightened, motivated and eager students tend to outpace their counterparts. They attain high levels of performance and excellence in their careers, reflecting well on the MBA program. |
Awareness Enhancement/Shift Armed with an accurate self-awareness of their influence strengths and weaknesses, students are willing to make internal changes as they confront their need grow in the Seven Influence Traits™. |
Maximize Professor Talent When the classroom is full of engaged students seeking self-improvement, the professor’s ability to influence in the classroom increases dramatically. |
Improves Job Placement & Increased Endowment Students who actively growing their influence are sought out by successful companies. These companies see the performance of your MBA students and hire from your program as satisfied alumni endow the program. |
Individual Brand Clarity Presenting your influence strengths offers a competitive advantage. The KII™ is the first step in helping the student understand their individual strengths, allowing them to better present their aptitudes in order to shine. |
Academic Accountability & Credibility As students have a greater self-understanding of their personal brand from the KII™, professors can have an increased role in helping students hone their strengths, eliminate weaknesses, and better present themselves. |
Institution Reputation The student’s ability to represent their alma mater effectively to the world determines much of the MBA Program’s reputation. With growing public awareness of the quality of graduates, the MBA program becomes institution more prestigious. |
Identifies Individual Blindspots Without an accurate benchmark of our ability, students operate on intuition, allowing fear, avoidance of conflict, and other factors to drive choices. The KII™ provides the student with an accurate, research-based picture of their influence blind spots. |
Rich Applicable Material & Increased Professor Investment After a student identifies his or her blind spots, the professor can tailor learning and contextualize teaching to the needs of the specific students in that term’s class. |
Qualified Candidate with Academic Horsepower Top firms and companies are canvasing graduate programs for students who perform beyond expectations. Academic achievement and experience can be a predictor of professional success. |
Energized & Action Oriented Once a student has accesses to their influence information, they become motivated to increase their strengths and make weaknesses irrelevant. They become more willing to bring their full efforts to the MBA experience and classroom. |
Assignment Follow Through The ability to learn depends on intrinsic motivation within the student. As a professor, you will have students who better apply themselves and follow through on assignments, using what they learn in your class to make progressive changes. |
Increased Graduation Rate Graduation rates are a key performance indicator of accountability in higher education. High rates occur as students feel they are being personally developed as made possible by the implementation of the KII™ in your graduate program. |
Student Benefit
Influence Landscape: The student learns where they are in these seven traits, their personal influence landscape. What is it they have going for them and what traits do they need to focus? The KII™ provides the student a look at the level of the influence they already possess. Doing this creates a better engaged and motivated student for the professor to work with. They become more receptive and interested in how the professor’s materials, etc. affect them directly. They question more, they respond at a deeper level, and they have a stronger desire to implement what they are learning directly into how they think, feel and behave.
Tailored & Personalized Objective: What is each student’s main objective in their MBA endeavor? What do they hope to learn or gain? How are they engaging and applying everything they learn? The learning that each student receives from the KII™ is unique to them, their goals, their expectations, and their aspirations. It is designed to encourage and ‘stretch’ the student to exceed normal performance standards. The KII™ emphasizes ‘continuous’ improvement while maintaining individually set standards. The KII™ provides a solid benchmark or measurement of a student’s influence landscape which can be incorporated into their personal objectives. Unlike traditional personally assessment the KII® enables strategic applications for improvement.
Awareness Enhancement & Shift: Once a student makes a shift in how they view themselves they will not shift back. A shift is the internal changes and adjustments an individual confronts if he or she wants to grow extensively. This shift is sometimes referred to as a paradigm shift, which when it happens the person can start making things happen intentionally for them instead of waiting for things to happen to them. KII™ stresses the importance of students making a shift in how they see themselves, one that is reality-based – a deeper understanding, cognizance regarding situations and how better to apply skills based on experience and shift.
Individual Brand Clarity: Every student needs to know and understand how they represent themselves to the world, many call this ‘Competitive Edge’. The KII™ is the first step in illustrating the student’s individual brand – how the student’s values, beliefs, or perspectives are represented. When a student develops or enhances his/her personal brand they become proactive rather than reactive. This shows up in the classroom. Knowing their Seven Influence Traits® helps the student understand his/her unique contributions AND what areas need improvement. Once this knowledge is present the student can connect how they represent or have fashioned their personal brand and how that impacts or influences people they interact with. When Brand Clarity is identified, the student’s influence potential communicates many things about him/her.
Identifies Individual Blindspots: Often times the student may be unaware of or unsure of where they are challenged, a large contributor to this revolves around fear. They aren’t certain as to which previous feedback is real and meaningful or which previous feedback is lacking in authenticity. Students are certain how to interpret the information they receive from the world. The KII™ provides the student with a specific degree of where their blindspots are and how they can overcome them. This information is based on the results from their answers on the KII® which makes this feedback objective. It is important that students have an accurate reflection of reality. It activates awareness or consciousness in areas they aren’t mindful of. Knowing your blindspots is a necessary part of personal and professional growth. Students become cognizant of the invisible boundaries that limit their experience, which are boundaries that impede the transference of learning from the professor. This evolves the student into a better learner and future contributor.
Energized and Action Oriented: Once a student accesses their influence information and insight they become motivated. They want to learn more, apply what they’ve learned and make progressive changes. They become more willing to bring themselves to the MBA experience and classroom. The student is eager to take action when an opportunity presents itself.
Professor Benefit
Accelerated Classroom Learning & Efficiencies: The student’s capacity to learn, problem-solve and create is increased after taking the KII™. Once the student has the knowledge, awareness, and understanding of their Influence Landscape learning transfers quickly not only in the classroom but to real life, i.e., their work life. Learning becomes more efficient thereby offering the professor the opportunity to go deeper into their curriculum because they have an attentive audience. The knowledge and material the student acquires is not only absorbed, but enables the student to expand their perspective and move beyond limiting principles. This generates enriched communication, making for an innate, highly interactive participation within the classroom between and among students and professor.
Enhanced Quality of Learning: Students are willing to experiment with and feel a sense of discovery with the coursework and materials. Since emotion is required for high learning, the KII™ creates emotion in the student because it is intimate, insightful information about them. Their emotion about their KII™ Report will help identify their commitment, connection to the professor’s material, in turn igniting their interest in it and welcoming the learning challenge to succeed with it.
Maximize Professor Talent: When the classroom is full of engaged, aware, and zealous students the professor can exude or share their talent in ways that is not only appreciated but sought after by the student. The student questions, entertains new perspectives, exercises their willingness to shift habits/beliefs, and ventures out to implement what they’ve learned - all because the professor maximized his/her knowledge and ability to transfer that knowledge.
Academic Accountability & Credibility: Professors recognize their role in facilitating self-understanding, emotional involvement, and the application of knowledge to real life situations. Accomplishing this is much easier and more rewarding when the student is already engaged on a deeper level staying open to continuous lifetime learning. The student realizes the information presented has application and relevance for a lifetime. Students develop their residual value.
Rich Applicable Material – Increased Professor Investment: After a student identifies his/her blindspots they begin to realize how those blindspots have created barriers to learning and performing. This lays the groundwork for the professor to invest in deeper discussions, more creative ideas, and offer answers to personal reflections from the student. The student comes prepared with their KII™ information ready to entertain and apply what the professor is teaching him/her. The student views the course material through changed eyes, eyes that see things from a different framework. This is the result of the collaborative effort between student and professor.
Assignment Follow Through: The ability to learn depends on intrinsic motivators within the student; self-confidence, desire, passion and purpose. The professor has an opportunity to help learners/students tap into their innermost desires, goals and visions where the student can naturally participate in learning. When this happens contribution and follow through become the norm. The KII™ along with the professor’s investment spark the student’s curiosity, connecting them to the course material, and inspiring them to learn.
Institution Benefit
Quality MBA Graduate: One of the most defining aspects of a quality MBA Program is a quality MBA student. This is a motivated individual seeking to advance his/her career. The student applies their MBA learning in their profession, work environment and their industry. They exceed at implementing their learning in real life situations that result in high ROI for his/her company. This becomes a direct reflection on the impact of the school’s MBA Program. These candidates become essential brand ambassadors to their institutions.
Academic Excellence: Enlightened, motivated and eager students tend to outpace their counterparts. They refine their intentions and build on their MBA learning. They reach for and attain high levels of performance and excellence in both their academic studies as well as real-life application.
Improves Job Placement & Increased Endowment: Students who have a growing awareness of their influence, ways to improve on their blindspots and how to leverage their strengths are sought out by successful companies. These companies recognize the attributes that have been instilled in the student by the MBA Program (professor investment) as being highly coveted and responsible for company success. Students who become strong alumni advocates tend to give back generously to their alma mater. As pillars of their institution, industries take note of these coveted candidates and seek to reserve graduates within their future recruitment opportunities.
Institution Reputation: Reputation management has no greater basis than from the graduating student. It’s the student’s ability to represent their alma mater effectively to the world that determines much of the MBA Program’s reputation. The student provides the groundwork or foundation of that reputation making the MBA institution a credible and sought after place for education. The MBA institution becomes the foothold for exceptional students. Reputation is enduring and can account for robust application pool while concurrently attracting higher aptitude candidates.
Qualified Candidate – Academic Horsepower: Top firms and companies are canvasing the work scape for not only qualified students but students who perform beyond expectations. Academic achievement and experience can be a predictor of professional success. Academic achievement in the MBA Program setting is defined as the adventure of learning, the wonder of global cultures, and the pleasure in acquiring new abilities, along with the traditional educational ‘grade’ accomplishment. When a student identifies his/her blindspots early in the MBA program they have an additional lens from which to view their new learning. They accept that the MBA process is a lifetime learning process. Once this mindset is instilled it is reflected in how the student approaches the MBA program, the new opportunities for the professor to encourage self-reflection on various topics, and the strength of the MBA program in general.
Increased Graduation Rates: Graduation rates are a key performance indicator of accountability in higher education. It is a measure of how well the institution is serving its students. An institution’s graduation rates will remain steady or increase as the quality of the student and what he/she contributes to his/her learning.