When Manipulation is the Ticket

So when is manipulation(influence) the ticket?  The answer to that, is just about all the time. If you want to find success in your career, you have got to be using all of the influence you have in order to impress and stand out among your peers. Do you know how to use yours?

5 Good Reasons to Exercise Your Influence Muscles

You know the saying, “Use it or lose it!” Well, today I’m talking about your influence. You’ve got to constantly be exercising your influence in all walks of life or it will atrophy, just like any other muscle. 

How to Persuade Others to Reach Your Goals

I’m a strong, independent woman who has earned my status in life through hard work and determination. Yes, a lot of what I have I got on my own. But do I have just myself to thank for everything that I’m so blessed to have these days? Absolutely not. If my life were the Oscars, I would have a list of thanks so long that they would have to go to commercial before I finished reading it. The thing is, success is not just about you. It’s about the people that help you get there and a lot of times, they won’t help you if you don’t ask. Sometimes they are still reluctant to help even when you ask, so you have to have to hone those persuasion skills to get them to help you reach your goals. While every situation is different, I thought I would offer up a few dos and don’ts to help you get started.

Building your Persuasion Strategy

Strategic persuasion is exactly what it sounds like. It’s basically being smart about the way you engage people in order to persuade them to see your point of view. Here are a few basic tenets that you must have in order for strategic persuasion to work.


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