Three Unexpected Ways to Beat Stress When Nothing Goes Right (aka There's No 'I' in What the Hell?!)

So how to you unplug and beat the stress when, no matter what you do, life is giving it to you from all sides? Contrary to what you might feel like doing, you're not going to find any answers burying your head in the sand.

Practice SDR to Detox Damaging Co-Worker Relationships

At times co-worker relationships can be damaging. And, as much as I hate to say it, we’re the ones who let it happen. The good news is, however, that there is a way out!

Build Your Resilience: Become Teflon – No More Sticking

Whether we're dealing with a personal or professional relationship, it remains the same... sometimes relationships just go bad.  But it’s important not to cling to the past. Don’t let it stick to you and weigh you down when making decisions. Here are six simple steps to moving past a bad relationship and getting into some good ones.

Finding Life – Changing Goals

Life changes as we grow older. Our priorities change as our life takes unexpected (or even expected) twists and turns. Some changes are momentous and some are small. But if we can’t learn to adjust our goals with the changes that happen in our lives, we may find ourselves becoming more and more frustrated with our inability to meet these goals. Do you know how to effectively change your life goals?

How to Manage Uncertainty

The degree of your influence is directly affected by how uncertain you are and how you express that uncertainty. When you doubt your facts, second guess your observations of the influencee, or are fraught with indecision, your influence potential goes down considerable.

Anger Management: 10 Tips for Keeping Cool

It’s how you choose to control your anger that makes the difference between a positive and negative outcome. Are you controlling yours?

In the Business Wilds: How to Improvise and Adapt Your Behavior

 You’re hard wired to do what’s best for you in most situations; all you need to do is learn to follow your gut instincts. Animals do it day in and day out and it works fairly well for them. They do what comes naturally and typically they do more than stay alive; they thrive!

Conquering the “Mind Fields” of Self-Sabotage

When we self-sabotage our own career with negative thoughts or actions, I like to call it a "mind field".  Here are some of the varying levels of devastation and how you can overcome them. 

5 Good Reasons to Exercise Your Influence Muscles

You know the saying, “Use it or lose it!” Well, today I’m talking about your influence. You’ve got to constantly be exercising your influence in all walks of life or it will atrophy, just like any other muscle. 


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