Finding Your Courage and Building Self-Confidence

5 ways to approach an anxiety-producing scenario with courage instead of fear.

Analyzing Your Gut Instincts

A sixth sense or a keen intuition is a skill that we have that’s innate and only needs to be recognized for it to become one of the most valuable tools in our arsenal. So what happens if you aren’t really accustomed to listening to your intuition or you feel like you’ve sort of become derailed and your intuition doesn’t make any sense to you anymore? Well, that’s when practice makes perfect. Start asking yourself these questions in order to analyze your gut and better learn to follow your natural instincts.

Building your Persuasion Strategy

Strategic persuasion is exactly what it sounds like. It’s basically being smart about the way you engage people in order to persuade them to see your point of view. Here are a few basic tenets that you must have in order for strategic persuasion to work.

Make Your Words Count

Are you using the wrong words to communicate your message? Choosing the right words can help you clearly communicate your message and encourage others to do what YOU want...


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