Finding Your Sweet Spot
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
The best way to find and play to your strengths, to analyze the way you perform in certain business situations, is to give yourself a job interview.
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
The best way to find and play to your strengths, to analyze the way you perform in certain business situations, is to give yourself a job interview.
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
Whether we're dealing with a personal or professional relationship, it remains the same... sometimes relationships just go bad. But it’s important not to cling to the past. Don’t let it stick to you and weigh you down when making decisions. Here are six simple steps to moving past a bad relationship and getting into some good ones.
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
Keeping your morale up each day can be really difficult. Trust me, I understand. But there are 6 practices that I’ve learned to do over the years that have helped me keep my energy and morale pretty high most days.
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
You’re hard wired to do what’s best for you in most situations; all you need to do is learn to follow your gut instincts. Animals do it day in and day out and it works fairly well for them. They do what comes naturally and typically they do more than stay alive; they thrive!
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
We were given a gift of intuition and we should rely on it more often. Ignoring it can often lead to very bad results!
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
Passion is perhaps the most motivational trait of the Seven Influence Traits™. Is passion necessary for life and living? No, but it is necessary for a better life and better living. In short, living a life that makes you feel deeply, passionately alive.
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
It’s no secret that management egos get out of control and suddenly, the power they were trusted with is being misused. They behave in ways that disregard the common good. They become intoxicated by their power. This may seem like an over dramatization, but this happens all too frequently in the corporate world when they begin believing the rules that apply to the rest of us don't apply to them. So how do you avoid being corrupted by power?
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
For the person who wants to change lives, you must first start with your own.
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
There's nothing negative about gaining more power, as long as you use it correctly. How are you using yours?
Submitted by Karen Keller Ph.D on
It's easy persuade another person to do something once with some slick graphics and the right words, but when you’re working on changing minds and changing hearts, it takes something more...