In the Business Wilds: How to Improvise and Adapt Your Behavior

 You’re hard wired to do what’s best for you in most situations; all you need to do is learn to follow your gut instincts. Animals do it day in and day out and it works fairly well for them. They do what comes naturally and typically they do more than stay alive; they thrive!

Escape the Corruption of Power

It’s no secret that management egos get out of control and suddenly, the power they were trusted with is being misused. They behave in ways that disregard the common good. They become intoxicated by their power. This may seem like an over dramatization, but this happens all too frequently in the corporate world when they begin believing the rules that apply to the rest of us don't apply to them.  So how do you avoid being corrupted by power?

Power: How to Use It Right

There's nothing negative about gaining more power, as long as you use it correctly. How are you using yours?

Who Do You Want to Lead?

No matter how hard you try, you struggle to find the right people.  You interview one person after another – not certain if he or she is the right person. You know you have to start choosing the right people. But how?  Let’s take a look at the five non-negotiable characteristics that the right people possess, making your leadership effective and outstanding.

How to Empower a Team Beyond Success

The “secret” to enjoying team success has always been about empowering a team further than what any single individual on the team can accomplish.  One way to look how to empower your team toward mega-success status, is to think about constructing a solid building.  

Creating a Feeback Loop: Giving Feedback to Make Change

You can take weaknesses or problems in your department and start to either make them disappear or turn them into something positive when you implement a company feedback loop.

How to Persuade Others to Reach Your Goals

I’m a strong, independent woman who has earned my status in life through hard work and determination. Yes, a lot of what I have I got on my own. But do I have just myself to thank for everything that I’m so blessed to have these days? Absolutely not. If my life were the Oscars, I would have a list of thanks so long that they would have to go to commercial before I finished reading it. The thing is, success is not just about you. It’s about the people that help you get there and a lot of times, they won’t help you if you don’t ask. Sometimes they are still reluctant to help even when you ask, so you have to have to hone those persuasion skills to get them to help you reach your goals. While every situation is different, I thought I would offer up a few dos and don’ts to help you get started.


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