Women and Business: Influencing the Executive "Troublemaker" at Work – Part II

Troublemakers at the executive level are the most difficult to deal with – because they have power. Nothing worse than a jerk with authority. They don't respond to the disapproving look or your hints of objection. Most are poor communicators and lack effective leadership skills. No, they believe they are beyond correction or reprimand.

5 Steps to Quality Compensation

It can be difficult for many of us to ask for a raise or to negotiate a fair wage for the work that we do. Here are 5 ways you can make sure that you are receiving a competitive salary.

The Business Woman’s Ten-Step Guide to Goal Setting

Are you tired of setting your goals only to see them still on your list 3 months later? I am. So, I decided to dissect this entire ‘goal thing.’ Goals are important otherwise you’d be wandering around knocking on any door you found, reaching for the next shiny object or carousing for what you ‘think’ may make you happy. You can now STOP the wandering madness! I have put together this EASY 10-step process that you can use to reach any size goal. Yes, any size, large or small. You see, the small goals are simply parts of your greater goals. Everything fits together!


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