Are you tired of setting your goals only to see them still on your list 3 months later? I am. So, I decided to dissect this entire ‘goal thing.’ Goals are important otherwise you’d be wandering around knocking on any door you found, reaching for the next shiny object or carousing for what you ‘think’ may make you happy. You can now STOP the wandering madness! I have put together this EASY 10-step process that you can use to reach any size goal. Yes, any size, large or small. You see, the small goals are simply parts of your greater goals. Everything fits together! Your 10-step goal setting process made EASY:

Ready, Set, Goal!

1. Identify the Goal. Sure. Easy enough. But how many days, months or years to you mull around trying to figure out what the goal really is? You finally decide what the goal is, work like mad to get there only to find it isn’t what you wanted in the first place? When you identify the goal – ask yourself these two questions: what is missing for me? And what do I need or want? Now, that’s broad and vague but here’s the cool part – be HONEST with yourself. These aren’t goals for anyone else but you. Decide what is right for you? You aren’t getting any older so why wait? Be bold. Express your deeply defined answers to these two questions. 2.Relate This Goal To a Value. What does this mean? Well, what are your core values? Mine are freedom, family, expression and connection. Make a list of 50 core values. Next, shorten this list to 20, then to 10 then to 5. See what happens. The question you ask yourself to decide if it’s a true core value is this; Is there anything or anyone that would cause me to violate this value for any reason? If yes, then it’s not a core value. Yes, it’s that simple. Why relate your goal to your value? Research shows, and in my extensive experience coaching, that when we are moving towards something (goal) and its does not resonate with a value then the goal is never attained. Worse yet, if you don’t attach a value to it and you reach your goal – it’s an illusion. You just THINK you reached it. I’m a firm believer in goals being things we strive for because they enrich our environment, ourselves and our community. This happens in the richest of ways when, as I said earlier, they are connected to our values.

Share The News!

3.Tell 5 People About Your Goal. Why? You will need support. You will need encouragement. And most importantly, you will need to be held accountable. That’s the single greatest reason you don’t reach your goals – there’s no accountability! When you make your goals a secret you don’t have to account to anyone for reaching them or not. Let’s face it. You always do better when someone is watching. Establishing accountability is critical in goal setting. It’s not for shaming you. It’s to give you the extra push you need especially when times are tough or you are looking for a reason to give up. (I have been there, too!) Oh, why 5? Because at least 2 will forget! 4.Know What Resources Are Needed. What is it you need to make your goal happen? NOT, what is available to make your goal happen! Don’t get stuck in thinking that the only resources you have are the ones you know of. Should I repeat that? The best resources are the ones you create because you understand the importance of reaching your goal. I suggest you look to others as resources. What do they use or do? Who do they know? What is it they can teach you? What learning are you missing? 5. Check Out The Time Savers. What are some short cuts? I am not talking about short cuts as a way to achieve your goal half-ass. The world is full of people who take short cuts to their goals only to realize they “short-cutted” the goal itself. The shortest distance between A and B is a straight line. Some people see what that straight line entails and decide to go around it. ‘It’s too hard’ “It won’t work’ I can’t do THAT’ get the picture? Natta! If your goal is worth it, and is connected to your values, you will suffer through whatever it takes to get there. 6.What Are The Predictable Obstacles? Yes, you can predict your obstacles. How? Make a list of all the possible barriers – don’t leave any out. You may be a barrier or time or money. Whatever it is, list it. Even if you think it couldn’t possible happen! If you’re stuck answer this – what will get in your way at the various steps of reaching your goal? Give this step some time. Believe me, putting out smoke is easier than putting out fires! Bonus tip: when you have identified all the possible barriers – create solutions to each and everyone. This is critical. You want to be prepared. And, if some of those potential barriers never show up, you have actually created another step for a different goal in the future. 7.Commit To a Single Daily Action. What will you do everyday toward your goal? This keeps your goal in focus. Break your goal down into achievable parts. Soon you will notice, “I’m almost there!” Keep this step simple. Consistency is the key. It’s like the otter building her dam. She works everyday on what seem to be simple or menial tasks but each task is important to the outcome.

Who’s On Your Team?

8.Build a Support Structure. This can be your coach, family member, friend, or manager. The best way to make this step work for you is to decide from the BEGINNING how you will use each of these people. You may decide to have 2 or 3 people as you support team but not all of them will perform the same purpose. When you decide what their role will be, share that with them. Remember, this is your goal and you are in charge. 9.Decide On Your Reward. This is a step you earn and rightly so. Celebrate ALL successes no matter how small. Each step you successfully master is equally deserving of celebration. Acknowledge and affirm all you progress. Tell your support team. Tell the world. 10.Know What Is Next. How does your goal fit into your big picture? Was it a supporting cast member for the next goal? How is it building on what is greater? What will it mean to my future? These are essential questions to answer. They cause you to pause and understand at a deeper level the relevance of your goal. This is for your eyes (and heart) only if you choose. Goal setting can be a cycle of redundancy or it can be a process of growth. These 10 steps will make it a process of growth – and excitement!

[Editor's Note: This is only one of the many powerful articles in this week's Influence It! Real Power for Women free ezine. To enjoy the full issue, jam packed with insightful information on strategies to enhance your personal and professional life to achieve ultimate success, you must be a subscriber. Sign up for your own free subscription NOW by clicking here!]

From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina