It’s commonly known that the acronym KISS stands for “Keep it simple, stupid.” Well, I’ve gone ahead and modified it to be a little more effective by saying, “Keep it smart, stupid.” The KISS principle, while it shouldn’t be used every time in every situation, definitely has its place in the world of business.

Where can you use the KISS (Keep it smart) method in your company?

At The Water Cooler
Around the cooler is the best place to get to know people. Find out what they like, their tastes and what motivates them. The cooler is more than refreshing your thirst; it’s a place to strategically learn and gain information about people. Use this time "smartly."

In The Board Room
What’s the purpose or intention of your meeting? Is it to make decisions or drag on and on about the obvious? Follow the agenda but be smart about it. Spend precious time on what really matters. Ask smart questions to the group as well as to individuals. Set your expectations in a way that others will respond instead of react to you.

With The Team
When you want to influence or persuade the team it's your job to appreciate the flow of conversation. Who is loyal to whom? Who supports whom? Who are the silent players, and what are they saying? When is the right time for the right words or ideas? These are smart ways to approach, appear and advance the team results.

On The Big Project
A new project drains the energy out of you. Before you know it, you’re weighed down with details, catering to everyone, and possibly doubting your objectives. Start your next big project using KISS. Know what results you want to achieve. Then list 3-5 goals that will get you those results. Smart people start with the end in mind. They entertain the BIG picture first.

[This is only one of the many powerful articles in this week's Influence It! Real Power for Women free ezine. To enjoy the full issue, jam packed with insightful information on strategies to enhance your personal and professional life to achieve ultimate success, you must be a subscriber. Sign up for your own free subscription NOW by clicking here!]

From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina