The Key to Success – Know Your K-Factor™®
Knowing who you are is the key

For the person who wants to change lives, knowing who you are offers numerous benefits:

  • Access to Hidden Wisdom: Your wisdom is discovered once you ask yourself challenging questions. Residing within this wisdom are gems in the form of thought connections, fresh insights and rich realizations.
  • Decision-Making is Uncomplicated: The reason people struggle with decisions is because they are in conflict with options that do not fit their belief system or core values. Knowing who you are gives you tremendous foresight.
  • No Longer Blind to Opportunities: Looking through unclear or uncertain lenses (confusion about self) makes it impossible to notice opportunities. Developing your core capacities lets you see more of the opportunities that are right for you, your future and your relationships with other people.
  • What You Want Becomes Visible: Many people live a life that was created by someone else. And during that time you lose sight of what you want because you lost track of who you were. What you want comes into your line of vision because you’ve taken the steps to finding your true self-identity. Having self knowledge allows you to choose what you want and create work that is aligned with you.

Each of these benefits transfers to others – when you find out your K-Factor®. In fact, the only way you can impact others, changing their lives, is to, first, be the best you can be, then second, express your best self, influencing others by being the confident, passionate, and empowering person you are. 

Mastering these influence traits will not only make you more influential, it will change the course of your entire life as well as the lives of others.

And the first step to creating that change is to start where all influential people start — with self-knowledge. Knowing where you are strong and what needs improvement requires digging deep and recognizing that among the Seven Influence Traits™ you’re probably not aware of how well developed each trait is at this very moment.

Identifying your current level of each of the seven influence traits you can pinpoint where to begin, determine how to utilize each trait to become a more influential person overall and truly begin to affect those around you changing their lives.  

Although these seven traits are universal – everyone has them - it’s important to keep in mind that these seven traits are not a one-size-fits-all. Each trait is measured giving you your unique level – a measurement that is unique to you and your needs.

The measurement you need to know is your K-Factor®. The K-Factor® is a score that represents the total measure of your potential to be influential, encompassing all seven traits necessary for being influential. The K-Factor® is a measure of the degree to which you are leveraging all your influence traits.

Knowing your K-Factor® helps you avoid assumptions or guesses about your strengths and specific areas that need improvement. It saves you time, energy and lost opportunities for impacting and changing lives.

With your K-Factor®, now you can create plans to strengthen the influence traits that need it and learn how to better tap into the traits you possess that are already very strong.

Are you ready to take that first step and begin assessing how ready and effectively you can change lives? Click here to access the Keller Influence Indicator 



Sign up now for our FREE webinar series coming in June and learn How to Unleash Your Influence Potential!  Sitting down with high-end influencers who have made their way to the top in their industries , Dr. Keller discusses why your conversations are key to influence, how to use the Hierarchy of Influence™ to climb the career ladder, and how to be influential online through social media. Each webinar reveals new strategies for tapping into your own influence so you can get more of what you want, all the time.  Join us!


In addition...

Influence is the single most valuable capacity you possess, according to some of the world’s greatest leaders.Stop searching for ways to get more of what you want in life! Let Dr. Keller show you step by step How to Get What You Want By Using What You Already Have

In this free special report, Dr. Karen Keller reveals:

  • ·         The 3 major mistakes people face when attempting to influence others
  • ·         The 7 traits all influential people possess (HINT: You have them too!)
  • ·         The biggest and most important first step you can take to develop your influence

Click the link above and get this incredible information absolutely FREE!



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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina