Increasing Trust and Trustworthiness: Practical Tips for Growth

Roughly half of all employees don’t trust their leader. That statistic is rather shocking when we consider trust is the foundational piece of any working relationship.

Distrust leads to expensive and sometimes terminal problems. A recent Harvard Business Review poll revealed that the terms most used to describe an environment where trust is lacking as “stressful,” “threatening,” “divisive,” “unproductive,” and “tense.” When asked how a high-trust work environment feels, the participants most frequently say “fun,” “supportive,” “motivating,” “productive,” and “comfortable.”

Trustworthiness is the ability for others to confidently rely on you when they are in a position of vulnerability.

Here are 7 practical ways to increase trust.

Influence by the Masses: How Sources of Influence are Shifting

The Edelman Survey and Karen Keller’s Reaction

An interesting new study on influence was recently conducted on the topics of trust and influence by the Edelman group.

In this study, the global population was divided into two groups.

1) The INFORMED Public

15% of the Global Population

  • They are the top 25% earners in their age group in their country
  • College Educated
  • Report significant consumption of engagement of business news

2) The MASS Population

The rest of the 85% of the global population not included in the INFORMED Public.

How to Build Trust With Your Audience

Know. Like. Trust. It’s usually easy to let people know you. Knowing someone doesn’t necessarily have an emotional attachment that goes with it. You don’t have to ‘buy into’ someone’s beliefs just by knowing them. The relationship can be informal … arbitrary … shallow. But what about something more significant? What does it take to get an audience to actually trust you on a deeper level?
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