We’ve all had a case of the Mondays. Maybe it’s the Hump Day Blues or Friday simply isn’t coming fast enough. So how do we get through our work weeks without always playing the waiting game for Friday?

I don’t know about you, but Fridays sometimes don’t signify the end of my work week. That means that Friday’s just another day for me. I have to find other ways to get excited about my current day and the ones ahead. So today, I wanted to share with you my three favorite ways of adding some “wow” to my weeks. Maybe they’ll make you go “wow,” too!

Wow factor #1: get out! I get out of my house, get out of my office and out of my routine. I find a new neighborhood coffee shop or breakfast destination. I walk to the office. I bring the dog to the office. Whatever it takes, I begin my day determined for it to be different from all the others…and it works!

Wow factor #2: have a people party. Get your face in front of some new faces! Invite someone to coffee (and let them pick the destination). Try a new fitness class or take a friend up on that yoga invite. When you interact with people, everything is thrown to the wind and you’ll find yourself in new and exciting situations, not just the same old, same old.

Wow factor #3: make a list. Your list can be whatever you like, but I prefer to make a list of things I’ve specifically put off doing. By knocking out at least a few things on that list, I become a rock star for the day and have plenty of cause for congratulating myself! There’s a certain satisfaction in crossing (or scribbling!) things off a list of things I never really wanted (but needed) to do.

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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina